Take a look:
I cannot wait to finish it. But first I have to go to the store and get more batting.What color binding should I use? I thought of a plum purple. What do you think? And on that note I just wanted to say how proud I am of my best friend. I was reading her blog this morning and could not believe my eyes. She is practicipating in a quilt show tomorrow were she will display some of her quilts. Also she is invited to be a guest speaker in about 2 weeks at a local quilt guild (were she lives) and feature around 20 I repeat twenty quilts that she has made. How awesome is that. I wish I could be there. But since I live far away all I can do is to say how proud I am of her/you and to wish you/her good luck.
Make sure you take lots of pictures for me.
Taker care for now.
I am so lucky to have you! I am going to post the pictures tonight as soon as I get back from playing Bunco...